Thursday, May 25, 2006

It is hot in my house right now.

The girls in my Biblical Femininity Bible study are doing a traveling necklace this summer... kind of similar to the sisterhood of the traveling pants or whatever (I never saw that movie, it looked like a wad of snotty tissue to me). Leave it to my darling friend Julie Kotynski to pick out the most obnoxiously trendy necklace known to man (well... I guess men wouldn't really know...). The sad thing is, I really like it. Today was my turn to wear the necklace, take pictures with it on, write encouragements to the other 5 girls, and journal about my life for the next 4 days. All in all, it's pretty sweet.

All of this journaling has got me really thinking about some specific struggles I'm having right now. I think when I am in a group of people where the Holy Spirit is really at work and changing lives, it seems like no one ever deals with the same sin pattern for more than a couple of weeks (well, except pride, maybe). So, needless to say, I have a tendency to feel weighed down by the same recurring sin of laziness and lack of discipline. It's frustrating... I really connect with Paul's lament over him doing the things he doesn't want to do. It kinda makes me wonder if this will be "just one of those sins" that I struggle with until I go to Heaven (the thought of which has really been blowing my mind lately). Who am I to deserve sanctification? Of course, God promises it, but who am I to put a timeline on it? I can't demand to overcome something... I can only beg God's grace and plead that the Holy Spirit will change my heart. Praise the Lord that I received an amazing, encouraging, truth-filled email from Squatty yesterday reminding me that through Christ, we have power over sin.

Dude, dude, DUDE. New Attitude. Saturday. So flippin' excited. Ahhhhhhhh.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

3 small steps for mankind...

3 small victories of the week:

1. I had an interview for a very good job yesterday, and although I'm not available as much as they'd like, I may be able to petition my way out of the 2 summer school classes I need to graduate.
2. I just received $1323 in financial aid to cover the cost of tuition although they originally said I couldn't use it if I wasn't full-time.
3. I just found my deodorant that went missing yesterday... yesssssssss.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Gabby, James, and I have spent the last 15 minutes running around the house and dancing like this guy.

Ohhhhh man, I see this making an appearance at the wedding reception...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Exams, exams

Ok, so I'm definitely supposed to be studying right now. I've been home alone since 4:30 this afternoon, and what have I done? I took a nap from 5-6, ate dinner at 7, played on the computer every spare moment I thought about something I just "had to look up," and then started "studying" again. It's so hard to get motivated! Tomorrow is my 2nd exam, and I am just not feeling microbiology right now. I made notecards about 2 weeks ago over maybe half of the material and still haven't even read through them all once yet because I've been going so slow. No need to even mention the amount I've not committed to memory yet... I did the math and found that I only need a 76% to keep an A and that seems to be prohibiting me from focusing on what I need to do. I'm only going to have 1 more exam to study for after micro and then I'll be free (for 3 weeks that is). Summer school in June will be my last 2 courses of my college career, so I'm way too pumped about never having to study again. Haha. Anyways, I have to go back to learning what staphylococcus aureus is all about... Good night!