Saturday, July 29, 2006

Here comes the bride...

Today's the big day folks... please keep Gabby and James in your prayers! =)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The thorn in my finger...?

Ahoy, mateys! Only 3 days until the big day... you know, the day where Holly cries like a baby. I'm sure you'll all be around just to see that. So, what else can I talk about besides wedding stuff? Ummm... nothing. So let's begin!

Today, all of the flowers arrived via a fat stack of cash, one arm, and the soul of my firstborn child. Ok, it wasn't that expensive, but we cut back a lot of things we wanted to order. Apparently it's more expensive to ship flowers than one would think. Anywho, after an hour or two of unpacking, trimming, watering, running to Home Depot b/c the flowers had nowhere to reside, and many many thorn stabbings, I finally finished prepping the flowers. I'm not sure if it was too early for the pink flowers because they came at a slower shipping rate and are more open than the white flowers. Oh well.

Ooo ooo-- I have a funny story from unpacking flowers-- so I ditched a kitten on my parents about a month ago that Holly brought home from behind Lenny's near Nouveau. He was very shy and veeerrrry cute, so I thought, "Hey-- my parents wouldn't mind another animal." Well, the shy stage has passed and he's now in his toddler stage. The kitten is still nameless, but I'm pushing for "Bubba Gump" or "Gumpy." For the sake of this story, we'll call him "Pablo." So, Pablo the kitten is a little terror. He has rule of the house over my 7-year-old beagle and 9-year-old cat because he has claws, sharp fangs, and some pretty good ups. He gets into EVERYTHING-- it's amazing! Today I left Pablo upstairs alone and came back to find every fake flower we'd had on the table for the wedding favors now on the floor. He became very interested the flower buckets I had in the basement, too. I was trimming some roses and putting them in an old copper tub when I saw Pablo hunker down all of the sudden and leap into the air. I thought, "Noooooooo" (in slow motion) and splash-- the lil kitty was in the tub of water! Faster than you can say "Jumpin' Jehosaphat" Pablo bounded out-- streaking water across the floor. He curled up in a chair to give himself a thorough bath and looked rather sheepish. It was pretty funny even though wet cats are not usually pleasant to be around. I will end with a picture so you can go "AWWWWW" (or so you won't go, "Wow, why did I just read all of that garbage?").

This is from the night I dropped him off-- I'm guessing he was only 4 or 5 weeks old. Soooo cute.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

It's amazing what you can do with Paint...

In a week, the person who stole this picture off of my computer, edited it, and posted it as my desktop will be married and no longer living with me. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be sad about that or not.....

Friday, July 21, 2006

Kinda like Kroghetto...

I haven't blogged in forever, it seems. It's not so much that I have given up on blogging... it's more that I just haven't found anything worthy of posting for the world to read. I mean, really, no one wants their post to be deemed "subpar." Well, finally, today something happened that I had to share. I had to go to the North Broadway USPS, and it was one of the most disgusting and miserable experiences of my life. It reminded me of Kroghetto. Those of you who have ever been North-Knoxvillians know of that redneck cesspool-- the magical place where during every visit you can witness one (or all, if you come on a really good day) of these three things:

  • someone who is missing a major body part (leg, arm, eye, head, etc)
  • seventeen half-naked children running around barefoot through pools of a questionable liquid
  • someone who doesn't know how to keep their mouth shut if they happen to find you physically attractive.

The North Broadway USPS is -- hands down -- one of the most ghetto post offices in America... and today, I think it may have one-upped Kroghetto. Avoid it if you can!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

The home stretch...

Well, we're now down to 12 days until the wedding. I keep getting asked if everything is all finished up, but I can't really tell yet! The flower stands and decor for the ceremony are all theoretical right now, so we'll have to wait and see if all these ideas work in reality. Kind of scary... I'm still nervous about how it will all go down. I can't watch any more wedding shows or read idea books this late in the planning anymore because I keep feeling like everything we do won't measure up to the things these other people have done. I have to guard my heart against designers with lots of money, apparently! Kind of weird, but true. In the end, it's one day and no one will remember after it's all said and done. Right now I'm needing some songs for the ceremony. Suggestions are welcome for a "special seating" song, things to play before the ceremony begins, and the walk down the aisle. I have some ideas, but I'd like to hear some more. So leave comments, please!

Monday, July 10, 2006

You are good... always... always...

I've just been so amazed at God's provision in just the last week alone! I'll give a few examples to help you understand:

1. I finished up classes last Friday (the 7th) and was not stressed about my exams at all. This may sound like no big deal, but I am the biggest stickler when it comes to schoolwork and always find something to fret over. I ended up with a B+ and an A in my business classes, and I'm now done forever. Huzzah!

2. I hit dead broke last Thursday when I realized I had a rent check (and a few other purchases) going through soon for $216.67. What did my account have in it? $216.97. I had $0.27 in savings and $216.70 in checking. My mom had agreed to pay my rent this summer since I couldn't get a job (I kept telling people I had 3 hours of class every morning and needed a week and a half off in July, so finding part time work just didn't seem fruitful while planning the wedding...). She transferred some money to my account, but that's not the amazing part. What is amazing is that I thought I should check up on my books for sale and try to sell more books so I wouldn't have to pack and move more stuff than I wanted to. I lowered the price on a couple of books and added a 2005 Cracking the GRE book that I would never need, and lo and behold-- I sold 4 books in 2 days! It was such an act of God! How else would I sell "Economic Botany," "Economic Regulation and Antitrust," "Microbiology," and that old GRE book? Wow. So in 2 days, I made $177.57 (minus some shipping costs that I'll have tomorrow and the price of envelopes) that I should be receiving in a couple of weeks.

3. I've had 2 showers in the past 3 weeks, and I've been amazed at all of the people who have given James and me gifts! We definitely have some generous friends and family with the amount of things we've received. It's mind-boggling that anyone would even want to buy us stuff.. I was just shocked at how many people came to the shower when they could've been doing anything else with their afternoon. God's so good!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Future job plans!!

In case you hadn't noticed, my little profile picture for this blog is a little (I'm assuming British) girl who seems to be the only "Gabby Wells" and also already a trained rider. I possess no such riding skillz, unfortunately. In light of my impending graduation on Friday and lack of occupational direction, I decided to do a search for my new name to see if I could find a career by following in my namesakes' footsteps since I know I could never be as cool as that little girl is. This is what I found: pretty much a blank page with an e-mail address for "Gabrielle Dalton & Associates Solicitors." Solicitors? UGH! : Gabrielle Dalton Costume Designer. Pretty sweet. : Gabrielle Dalton, a filmmaker who did some documentary called "Frontier Women" in the mid 1980s and collaborated on an autobiography for Mayse Young who died in March this year. Gabrielle Dalton, a producer of the 2006 movie, Rampage. This may be the same as the above person, but who knows. Producer of 2005's "Soundtrack to War" movie.

Looks like I have a lot of career options for the future now! Iif only I can obtain social security numbers and bank accounts for the people whose identity I'd like to steal... I mean...

Oh-- and here are my options for future cosmetic surgery if I'd like to look like any of my namesakes:
mm... I would look super awesome if I looked like him.

Or maybe like her:

So tell me which career path you think I should follow since I'm currently jobless with no prospects. Woot!