Today, all of the flowers arrived via a fat stack of cash, one arm, and the soul of my firstborn child. Ok, it wasn't that expensive, but we cut back a lot of things we wanted to order. Apparently it's more expensive to ship flowers than one would think. Anywho, after an hour or two of unpacking, trimming, watering, running to Home Depot b/c the flowers had nowhere to reside, and many many thorn stabbings, I finally finished prepping the flowers. I'm not sure if it was too early for the pink flowers because they came at a slower shipping rate and are more open than the white flowers. Oh well.
Ooo ooo-- I have a funny story from unpacking flowers-- so I ditched a kitten on my parents about a month ago that Holly brought home from behind Lenny's near Nouveau. He was very shy and veeerrrry cute, so I thought, "Hey-- my parents wouldn't mind another animal." Well, the shy stage has passed and he's now in his toddler stage. The kitten is still nameless, but I'm pushing for "Bubba Gump" or "Gumpy." For the sake of this story, we'll call him "Pablo." So, Pablo the kitten is a little terror. He has rule of the house over my 7-year-old beagle and 9-year-old cat because he has claws, sharp fangs, and some pretty good ups. He gets into EVERYTHING-- it's amazing! Today I left Pablo upstairs alone and came back to find every fake flower we'd had on the table for the wedding favors now on the floor. He became very interested the flower buckets I had in the basement, too. I was trimming some roses and putting them in an old copper tub when I saw Pablo hunker down all of the sudden and leap into the air. I thought, "Noooooooo" (in slow motion) and splash-- the lil kitty was in the tub of water! Faster than you can say "Jumpin' Jehosaphat" Pablo bounded out-- streaking water across the floor. He curled up in a chair to give himself a thorough bath and looked rather sheepish. It was pretty funny even though wet cats are not usually pleasant to be around. I will end with a picture so you can go "AWWWWW" (or so you won't go, "Wow, why did I just read all of that garbage?").

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