Well, I wasn't quite expecting them so early, but my Mormon buddies came by today with their chauffeur for the day (apparently biking is out in the late fall). I had written about some things I disagreed with on their pamphlet (all over it, actually), and we talked about them for a bit-- about the Gospel being "restored" after the "apostasy" and "priesthood authority" being given to Joseph Smith and all that. They got down to the point asking if I would read over the book of Mormon and pray about it to believe, and I said no, so that kind of hurried their departure. I just kept saying that I believe the book of Mormon is an addition to the Bible and that all we need is Jesus Christ to receive salvation and an eternity in heaven. I asked why they were asking people to accept book of Mormon instead of Jesus Christ and why they ask people to accept that a man-- Joseph Smith-- was a prophet and believe in the book of Mormon. They said it was a testament of Jesus Christ, and it spoke of the Gospel like the Bible. I don't think they believe in perserverance with their evangelizing if they give up so quickly. I asked if I could pray for them before they left, and I just prayed with all my might that they would believe in Jesus Christ as the way to salvation and that no good works could save them. I said how we are all sinners and that nothing we do can ever earn our salvation except faith alone. I felt like I fumbled over the topics we discussed (possibly because I just didn't believe in any of them and didn't really have a specific references to rebuttal them), but I just wanted to show them the faith that I have in Jesus Christ without their book. Hopefully our encounter will be of interest to them, and maybe I'll see them again-- I invited them to the concert Friday because of church yesterday when they said to be faithful to invite people. Who knows-- they might come.