Thursday, November 23, 2006

Oh, the wonders of Paint.

Hey, I never claimed to be an artist.

What are everyone's favorite Thanksgiving foods? Mine's the turkey, mashed potatoes, and green-bean casserole. Mmmm, I'm drooling just thinking about it.


Gabby said...

That looks like a chicken on fire. Our art teacher would be cringing. That chicken, though-- he would be tasty. Mmm. I particularly liked the cranberry salad one of my inlaws made. It was like jell-o with cranberries and pecans. Mmmmmmmmyeah.

Cap Stewart said...

For me, it isn't Thanksgiving without mashed potatoes. Everything else, including turkey, is overrated (though not necessarily bad). Having said that, I think I'm suffering from TIH (Tryptophan Induced Hangover).

paul steele said...

as strange as it sounds, the hot item at thanksgiving with the Hoods (my mom's side) is a couple of big bowls of cheese grits that my grandma makes. They are yummy in my tummy.

(If you had ever heard a TIbetan say yummy in my tummy you would be laughing right now...)