Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Today's Math Lesson: 2 large cups of coffee = 7 bathroom trips within a 3-hour period.
Firstly, I'd like to announce that I suck at waking up at 6:00am. My schedule got thrown off when Mom came into town this past weekend, and I've not gotten up early since Friday morning (yes, that's 4 missed mornings). I am so thankful that my spiritual discipline performance doesn't determine my favor with the Lord. I want to get back in the swing of things because I love God, and I want to know Him more and equip myself daily! So, I joyfully return to the 6:00am club tomorrow morning. =) And thanks to the New Orleans ladies (Jen and Danielle) for being so encouraging, even when you're 10 hours away!
Secondly, I HAVE CHOSEN A MAJOR. *drumroll, please* Communication Studies. I met with my former speech teacher, Mrs. Laura Smith (my favorite teacher ever, might I add), to get some help with the whole process since she's one of the top dogs in the school of communications. She is a Christian, so it was nice to have some Godly advice coming from her. Anyways, yeah, that's the major change. Apparently I enjoy going to school and will be here for another 47 years... shut up, your mom goes to college.
Thirdly, I love the girls in my Bible studies! The Humes girls and the girls in the Biblical Single Womanhood study are AWESOME!!
Fourthly, potato salad.
Fifthly, what the heck is up with this weather??! It's doing a number on my health... one day it's like 60 and I feel like wearing shorts (but that would mean I'd actually have to shave the forest that is my legs, ACK).... the next day there is a chance for snow and the thickest parka won't keep out the wind. I do not understand.
Sixthly, next time you see Peter Hedger, give him a wet willy. Everytime he's around me, he gives me like 10 in a row, so dangit, it's on like Donkey Kong.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Hmm, burning bush, anyone?
Monday, January 23, 2006
Like, please, Lord, a burning bush would be nice.
My feet will have to tread;
But only that my soul may feed
Upon the living Bread.
'Tis better far that I should walk
By faith close to His side;
I may not know the way I go,
But oh, I know my Guide."
Cap told me that this stanza (from the hymn I posted earlier) had been really affecting him lately, and I would have to second that. The future is so up in the air right now... what dental hygiene school to attend, where I'm going to live in the fall, etc... and I can see myself searching for answers more, instead of just focusing on my Creator! I've been reading through Sinclair Ferguson's Discovering God's Will, and so far, it's been really helpful in giving me advice, especially these questions from pg. 73:
Is this lawful? Is this beneficial? Is this enslaving? Is this consistent with the Lordship of Christ? Is this beneficial to others? Is this consistent with the example of Christ and the apostles? Is this for the glory of God? And for that matter, am I living for the glory of God?
I also really enjoyed Carolyn McCulley's post on this book. The funny thing is, I'm not stressed or freaking out about my future... more than anything, I'm completely clueless! However, I think that being clueless will cause me to look to the Lord for guidance and to seek His will for my life. I only pray that I stay humble and continue to place my trust in the only One who is trustworthy... because if I don't do that, and begin to rely on myself or others, then that's when the anxiousness and fear will set in (and BOO on that!). I definitely need to be reminded that it's not all about ME and MY decisions and MY future... ugh, sometimes I can be so selfish! But, the Lord is always quick to convict me of my mistakes and draw my focus back to Him. Scriptures like Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 16:9, and Proverbs 20:24 really comfort me. God's going to guide my steps, regardless if I "feel" like all the answers are there. Gah, I wish I wouldn't rely on my feelings at all-- BOO on feelings too! Haha. It's encouraging for me to think that nothing I can do will EVER thwart God's plan... I just need to continue to seek Him by spending time in the Word and diving headlong into areas where I can experience Him more fully (like church, Bible studies, CareGroup, etc).
Anyways, if anyone else is dealing with this same stuff right now, hope this lets you know that you're not alone!!
P.S. I had Panera's French Onion soup today for lunch... I got some stank breath that just won't QUIT.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Riding with Strangers and Fun with Flan
This morning, I was running a little behind and didn't walk out to my car until 7:40. As I was walking out (and it was conveniently parked on the street for once instead of our lawn or driveway...) and saw this kid bolting down the street at me! I was like, "Uhh... is he running to me?" I kept walking, unlocked the door, and put my stuff in. I turned around and the kid had gotten to the house next door to me and managed to puff out, "Can.. I... get... a... ride?" I said sure although I thought about how much I would laugh having seen this kid chasing down a bus. Then again, I thought about how I stressed I always was with my parents considering me a huge inconvenience if I ever missed the bus and made them late to work. So I let him in, and he proceeded to show me his watches (yes, plural). He said, "I got this one from BK-- it's a Luke Skywalker watch!" Then his other wrist had a watch on it that he said his dad had when he was 13, but it had never needed a new battery after 14 years. I quickly did the math thinking of the kid's age (probably 11 or 12) and his dad being 27, which would make his dad only 16 or 17 when this kid (Derek, as I found out) was born. That really just broke my heart because I know from doing YOKE Youth Ministries for 2 years in this area that a lot of the kids around north Knoxville have a really tough home life. I asked if he went to YOKE, and he said yes, so I hope he keeps that up. I know YOKE isn't the best at presenting the gospel, and I wasn't either this morning since I didn't mention YOKE and think of the gospel until we were pretty much at the school. Granted, it is only about a mile from my house, but I need to be more quick with the important questions.

...and Lake Flan

P.S. I went back to the grocery store and spent another $1.04 to try again. It's currently cooling in the fridge and may make an appearance at Care Group, even though I messed up the caramel topping.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
As subtle as a slap in the face...
Anyways, the day has gone so far with me planning out the things I need to do, staring off into nothingness as I learned (for the 300th time!!!) about the polarity of water and what the macromolecules are in microbiology, and watching the clock during Socio-Economic Impact of Plants (yes, I know you're envying my schedule, but the plant class looks like it should be pretty cool). Thursdays are comprised of just these two classes at 8:10 and 9:40, so I continued to daydream about how I wished I were at home and able to take a one-hour nap. Then, as I saw the sinfulness in the one whole hour, I thought about a 20-minute powernap. Then I picked up Feminine Appeal between these two boring classes and read about Self Control. Of course the topic of discussion was the self control of eating and sleeping (and I'm sure I would make A++'s in sleeping and eating if they were offered at UT). I read about the cities of olden days that needed protective walls, accompanied by Proverbs 25:28: "A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls." I thought, "Yeah, no big deal... heard it before" although I continued to read about the selfishness of pursuing my own pleasures at night, leading to sleeping in and scrambling to fit everything in during the day. Then during the drive home *amidst fantasizing about what I would cook for lunch and if I would take a nap or not*, I heard a radio commercial for Route 66 (some Christian program... not K-Mart). The discussion of city walls for protection came up (at this point I was like, "Hey, wait a minute... didn't I read that somewhere today?") and self-control was stressed and Proverbs 25:28 was read. I started laughing because God was so deliberate in the timing of that commercial just seconds before I reached my driveway to prevent me from over indulgence of sleep when I know that it would not be beneficial to my time management or my sleep schedule.
I just thought I'd share this with all of you participating in this early-rising discipline so that you would see the evidence of grace that you're practicing self control! It's by the grace of God that I've seen such an early hour and want to encourage those of you who feel like this schedule is going to rock your face off and send you to an early death.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
All I need... for now
All I Need
Newly married, new apartment
All our furniture was saved from the dump
Yes dear maybe we can afford a trashcan next month
All I need is my love for you and a seat for two
New baby new life
We will teach him to speak French
We’ve got no money so we’ll make it all ourselves
I’ll make the curtains and you make the shelves
All I need is a power saw and a new sewing machine
Honey, this house needs a little something
That bare mantle doesn’t look so good
Someone told me of a man
Who makes animals from driftwood
All I need is your monthly bonus for a wooden walrus
Honey, the Colbaughs are coming over
This house needs some renovations
Just a wall or two, just a little room
And a few new decorations
All I need is a sectional and a satellite TV
and dark-wood cabinets that were custom built for me
and a painting by that guy that paints with his feet...
For now
I think I've seen the driftwood guy on HGTV! He seriously had Noah's Ark and as many animals as he could fit in his front yard. None of it was for sale, though. Dag, yo.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I'm surprised I can even type a coherent thought right now...
I was asked to share my testimony tonight at the Humes Girls' Bible study that Julie Kotynski (I LOVE that girl) leads. It was so amazing and humbling to type it out this afternoon when I was preparing. Amazing because I had no idea that I could type four pages of stuff about when God saved me, and humbling because I typed four pages of stuff about when God saved me! Knowing that I played no part in my salvation--that I was actively rebelling against God and living completely for myself, dead in my sin--makes salvation from His wrath that much sweeter (and that much more undeserved!). I had Sam and Julie critique it before I shared tonight, because I wanted to make sure I presented the gospel clearly and was able to serve the girls there as best as I could. Hopefully after the final edit, the girls there got something out of hearing what the Lord has done in my life and knowing that the same God that started a work in me can start one in them as well!
This hymn has been mad-crazy applicable in my life as of late. So, as Mr. Rogers taught me to do, I'm going to share it with you:
I do not ask to see the way
My feet will have to tread;
But only that my soul may feed
Upon the living Bread.
'Tis better far that I should walk
By faith close to His side;
I may not know the way I go,
But oh, I know my Guide.
His love can never fail,
His love can never fail,
My soul is satisfied to know
His love can never fail.
And if my feet would go astray,
They cannot, for I know
That Jesus guides my falt'ring steps,
As joyfully I go.
And tho' I may not see His face,
My faith is strong and clear,
That in each hour of sore distress
My Savior will be near.
His love can never fail,
His love can never fail,
My soul is satisfied to know
His love can never fail.
I will not fear, tho' darkness come
Abroad o'er all the land,
If I may only feel the touch
Of His own loving hand.
And tho' I tremble when I think
How weak I am, and frail,
My soul is satisfied to know
His love can never fail.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Crusty Eyeballs and Morning Breath
Anyways, I finally did make it back to my bed to read my Bible. My eyes kept watering, and I kept sneezing *Yay for allergies!*, but I did receive the strength to stay awake. Then..............
I made a pot of coffee.
Please, get up off the floor. I know that boggles your mind/rocks your face off, and now you can call me a hypocrite for saying, "I don't drink coffee." But hey-- it was super weak and pumpkin and french vanilla artificially flavored. I still feel groggy, but at least I haven't realized how awful it tastes yet.... ok, maybe a little now that I'm reaching the dregs.
Well, I think I'm going to work on the list of disciplines I made the other day... one of which was keeping a tidier room and doing the dishes when I first open the dishwasher and discover clean ones in there (I hope Holly doesn't read this part and hold me to that... ;)).
Can't I just get some more sleep??!
I can honestly say that the time I spent in the Word this morning was beneficial and wonderful. It's funny to see how my whole demeanor changes when I look to the Lord as the focus of my morning. I hope we can continue to "rise while it is still dark" (Proverbs 31:15) and start our days off early by digging into the Word.
Now, it's time for a funny story. Have you guys ever heard that when you have bad gas cramps, you're supposed to lay on your left side to release the pressure? Gabby pointed this out to me this morning.... how about THESE apples: "Then lie on your left side, and place the punishment of the house of Israel upon it." (Ezekiel 4:4, ESV)
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Hi, Concrete? Meet my face.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Let the blogging begin... again...
*Entering the house and hearing what sounds like a hurricane/volcano landing on our living room*
Holly: This is Brittany! She's vacuuming our floor!
Salesgirl: This is our Kirby system!
Me: Oh yeah, my parents have a Kirby from 1970. It's so heavy I can barely push it... don't forget to hit my room.
*Vacuuming proceeds for 7 more minutes while dust bunnies from 1960 are eradicated from our floor, then a knock and a male voice. I finally leave my room*
Holly: Look what came off our sofa cushions!
Salesman: Would you eat off one of these? *holding up the sticky circles of dust*
Holly: I'd lick it.
Me: I eat off those sofas all the time. I ate off the floor yesterday. (I honestly did.)
Salesman: All right, well, we don't need to be wasting each other's time.
Needless to say, we did not purchase a Kirby vacuum, and may have offended the salespeople. Holly feebly tried to salvage the conversation by talking about where they go to church and giving the girl a VFC card during the 10 minutes it took to put up the 2,001-piece vacuum. I'm sure God will plant a seed in their lives through even our greatest failings at evangelism.