This morning, I was running a little behind and didn't walk out to my car until 7:40. As I was walking out (and it was conveniently parked on the street for once instead of our lawn or driveway...) and saw this kid bolting down the street at me! I was like, "Uhh... is he running to me?" I kept walking, unlocked the door, and put my stuff in. I turned around and the kid had gotten to the house next door to me and managed to puff out, "Can.. I... get... a... ride?" I said sure although I thought about how much I would laugh having seen this kid chasing down a bus. Then again, I thought about how I stressed I always was with my parents considering me a huge inconvenience if I ever missed the bus and made them late to work. So I let him in, and he proceeded to show me his watches (yes, plural). He said, "I got this one from BK-- it's a Luke Skywalker watch!" Then his other wrist had a watch on it that he said his dad had when he was 13, but it had never needed a new battery after 14 years. I quickly did the math thinking of the kid's age (probably 11 or 12) and his dad being 27, which would make his dad only 16 or 17 when this kid (Derek, as I found out) was born. That really just broke my heart because I know from doing YOKE Youth Ministries for 2 years in this area that a lot of the kids around north Knoxville have a really tough home life. I asked if he went to YOKE, and he said yes, so I hope he keeps that up. I know YOKE isn't the best at presenting the gospel, and I wasn't either this morning since I didn't mention YOKE and think of the gospel until we were pretty much at the school. Granted, it is only about a mile from my house, but I need to be more quick with the important questions.
Alas, this afternoon I attempted to make a dessert I made two nights ago: flan cake à la Sandra Lee. I made it Wednesday night, and it turned out beautifully, but I had some last night to make sure it tasted good. Then I decided to make another to bring to care group. I'm not sure what went wrong, but this one did not solidify at ALL. It just turned into a flan puddle when I inverted the pan. I cooked it until it was nearly burnt on the top because I could see how runny the flan part was, but it was to no avail. I think I didn't let the flan mix reach a good boil to make it set. So, after looking at my nearly 2 hours of labor lying in a puddle on a broiler pan (and nearly tearing up), I decided to document the two cakes to let everyone have a good laugh. Here they are:
The original beauty...

...and Lake Flan

Oh my gosh... I feel like such an idiot. I just re-read the instructions for the 10th time after poking the lake and discovering that it had set up. It said to refrigerate 2 hours BEFORE cutting around the edges and inverting. Yes, I win the award for "Chef of the Year."
P.S. I went back to the grocery store and spent another $1.04 to try again. It's currently cooling in the fridge and may make an appearance at Care Group, even though I messed up the caramel topping.
P.S. I went back to the grocery store and spent another $1.04 to try again. It's currently cooling in the fridge and may make an appearance at Care Group, even though I messed up the caramel topping.
haha! That's one funny looking flan.
Whose your favorite Food Network chef?
Looking at Paula Deen's cooking makes me salivate, although after trying one of her biscuit recipes, I either stink at making biscuits or I'm just not a fan of them. Her pound cake was awesome, though.
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